A large orange square, gradating from darker orange to light yellow-orange. On top of the square is a big ccomic-book style starburst (yellow with black outlines) with text that reads “show don’t tell.” Underneath is text, in black block letters: “a symposiuum of socially engaged aart experiments by the Culture Push Fellows.” Under that is text, in black, “June 8-18th 2024”

The seventh Show Don’t Tell Symposium is a chance experience the evolving work of the Culture Push Fellows and Associated Artists.

Through public workshops, screenings, and presentations this annual symposium offers an opportunity to get up close and personal with the projects of artists working at the intersection of imagination, social change and civic participation.

Please note:

Registration is recommended for all events, but not required.

If you require special access accommodation for any of our events, please contact us at cp@culturepush.org

All Events ARE free and open to the public